/ Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Yesterday go Home Team Academy for Revolver shooting!!! FUN:D After we came out of the bus, we nid to march all the way to the range... so funny, and we were not coordinate at all. Mrs Ang also gt go.. in full-uni. We waited fora long time, almost fall asleep ... coz there were many schools present, saw many Ex-xingnanians~~~ The shooting ground... vry long and wide! gt the 'head set' and the goggles, bt i wear specs so no nid wear tht, there's one Sir beside me.. He's so gd~~ tell me where to aim, muz aim at lower part of the target. Do the procedure of loading bullets, unloading, then *FIRE* When i pull the trigger... there's a 'pong' sound..the smoke appear in front of me....the Sir keep on asking me to take a deep breath, hahas** (coz my hand keep on trembling while shooting) then when i shoot finish..nid go calculate marks.... 13 bullets shoot within the rectangle~~ 3 bullets at the three pointer there.. get 74/80. The Pui Boon get the highest. FULL MARKS..lihai. Later the Shermain keep on complaining abt the goggles.. coz it's foggy, then she cannot see clearly.. --FUN EXPERIENCE-- gotta rmb it forever... hope can do well for nxt year revolver shooting test^^
3:53 AM
I'm confused....
It's just soo scary..
Nothing had happened!!!!
I'm just myself nt a supernatural being..having divine power...
I can't be divided into many parts~~
'Mouth' is the root of all evil....
Why can't u believe me???
Currently I had to watch watever thing comes out frm the mouth.....
A step wrong, a step to dilemma,
a step to a state of confusion~~~
6:03 AM
/ Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Today... dun even understand the lessons, any of the lessons, can also say nv even listen. After school go Home Team Academy to do the Revolver dry shoot...revolver. The place looked vry new..quite nice. A 'Sir' explained to us the three safety rules...then tell us the parts of Revolver. The 'Sir' vry weird keep on asking me n shermain to put down our legs...sign~~~Tell us how to find our 'master eye' use to aim the target. Finally taught us how to use the Revolver.. wat muz align the rear side n the front side... the gap is so small... need see carefully..aim until my eyes hurt, then try shoot without the bullets. FUN...huiying vry funny leh..her index finger no energy, coz hand too small le, cnt even cover the trigger.. then nid use two hand~~~ Jasmin also.. hahas. The Shermain hold until the palm.. RED. Nxt tues is the actual shoot so looking forward!!!! at first dun even noe wat is dry shooting...is actually just shoot without bullets inside... It's fun to hold a revolver...will nv ever forget de!!!
7:02 AM
Hahas.... today quite fun~~~~ coz gt home econ, then cook with Amanda, the fried bee hoon.. SUPER NICE!!! the teacher vry weird, keep on adding oil to our bee hoon.. our beansprout didn't cook ripe enough..then quite 'crispy'. A total slack day on mon... coz no nid bring any of the textbook except hm econs n music~~~ music lesson..so scary singing the Michael Jackson's I'll Be There...quite nice. The teacher suddenly pass the mic to me.... then i nid to sing the ' I'll (Michael Jackson's style) Be There'... Later stay back for Chi oral.. Lin Lao shi. late!!! made us wait so long...in the end say give us time to practise more...coz those ppl who had taken the oral didn't score well...huiying go first le___aiya...
I will forget de... you told me not to think abt it le...
It works.... no longer such pain
I will lead my life on...
without those complicated relationship le...
no longer raking up those things le..
pacing forward..
it's really better to stop clinging on to the past...
You're right..
7:13 AM