/ Saturday, June 12, 2010
Went to AEM( Advanced Elective Module) at Ngee Ann Poly from 7 June to 11 June. FUN!!!! But very tired, everyday wake up at 6am until 5.30pm. This course seemed like a camp. I realised that Ashley is such a big-eater~~~

10:15 AM
/ Thursday, December 17, 2009
Life is a cycle...my life is undergoing a turning point when u woke me up in a middle of the night, i thought u were playing a fool with me...However, it wasn't. Why will u turn into this state overnight??? You were perfectly fine the previous days.... I can't believe this will befall on you, i thought it will only happen to others, not you. You were there still happily smiling towards me, when i was there forcing myself to accept the fact that u have aged. You brought me a lot of convenience and happiness these years. However, that night u woke me up from my beautiful dreams, I sensed the signal given to me that u are going to leave me soon. I can't make myself to fall asleep, I was worried that the next day i open my eyes , u will be there lying on the bed, having no response to our calls and shouts...That was when i sensed the importance of u in our family, handling all the household chores yourself. My feelings have stirred up when we noticed that u dun even know what is shooting out of ur mouth, unabling to take care of urself anymore... It was tiring going back and fro the hospital everyday witnessing ur condition getting worse day by day...
You have made us learn to become independent, being unable to rely on you anymore. You have aslo created a lot of 'first time' to me...It was the first time I was so helpless, I was trying to let you stand upright, I know i can't put you down but my muscle strained so hard that I had to put you down onto the wet, slippery floor... That was when i felt that i was so small, i was being there for no good use... It was so tedious to bathe for you..Why have u become an adult baby??? HANG ON... i dunno what will i face in the future without ur presence in my life...
8:07 PM
/ Sunday, November 15, 2009
Last week was like everyday go out leh~~~ First Time! Finally today was free... Mon forgotten go where alrdy. (It's gonna be a vry long post ^_-)TuesdayWent to school for POP(passing-out- parade) discussion. Huiying gave me my b'dae present>>> a bottle of stars made by jieying and her. She said she started making it during examination period alrdy leh, so touched.... The stars were like arranged in levels by the colours, so nice--- Hand-made. In the end was like having no discussion at all, at the canteen table, chatting with aravin, asking him about the NPCC resume... Later on went to IMM with huiying and shermain. Met Vernice, Lyn, yehlin, madeline and... dunno still gt who liao, ate Mac. So coincidentally, met my primary school fren, with her 'fren'( which i thot shld be her boyfriend) eating happily. Huiying said tht guy is her brother leh.... even me and shermain can noe tht tht guy shld be her >>BF. Realised huiying is such a big eater, , keep on eating the fries, including shermain's packet. Later went shopping, went into comics connection, shermain was like choosing her belated b'dae present so long!!!! In the end she chose a blade keychain, was told tht nid to be 18 yrs old and above, cnt be bought~~~ No choice, went to minitoons, bought shermain a small 'guitar' pouch'.... finally bought her present.WednesdayMy ah gong suddenly said tht he won't cook for us tht day, even ask me to cook leh! It's my birthday, my mum and ah gong even asked me to cook for them. But, in the end still bought from outside la~~~ hahas. Went to school for POP discussion again. Jasmin gave a Garfield-like clay-made bear to me, still brought the colour paint and brushes to school to finish painting it, looked quited cute~~~ also given me a b'dae/ chrismas card and a mirror box. Her hand-writing looked as if it was printed out leh, so neat!!!! Later on, the loi si ling was like so funny, walking towards the canteen smiling away. She also gave a clay-made bear and a pig. The quality of the bear was like so 'good' until the limbs dropping off. She also gave a heart shape with my name on it,BUT! my name was also dropping off! I was like so shocked, the 'R' without the'tail' later off the other letters dropped off gradually. shermain was like plucking out all the letters... It was like so unforgetable leh! I dunno why shermain gave me two magazines and i dun frequently read magazines. Continue on the discussion of POP, the boys was like so incooperative, keep on playing a fool, in the end only the girls are discussing about it. Went to reherse on it, being FED UP with the boys.... After tht, head towards Jasmin's house to do props. But, before tht went to 7-ELEVEN to buy something to eat. While helping Jasmin to fill up the 'biscuit', i put my my presents on the floor. Then, accompanied Jasmin to paid for her combo meal, totally forgotten about my PRESENTS!!! I was like still didn't realised until i was on bus 51, chatting with Jasmin and Huiying. I intended heading back to retrieve my presents, but Jasmin said there was not enough time anymore. We were like calling the guys, who were also at the 7-elevens, but mun tat and yiyong alrdy on the bus. Called weijun several times, finally he picked up,, then he helped me to retrieve my presents, so gd leh, really thks him a lot. My mum gave me a jacket, ah gong and aunt gave me hong bao, uncle sponsered cake. Really thks to HUIYING AND JIEYING'S BOTTLE OF STARS, LOISILING'S 'good quality' BEAR, JASMIN'S BEAR, 'CHRISMAS/ B'DAE CARD', Mirror Box, also THOSE WHO WISED ME Happy B'dae, yiyong's ' too SPECIAL b'dae msg', my mother, my Papa, ah gong and aunt..... ^_-ThursdayDidn't went for cca, instead went for my dental appointment, which was like waited since JAN/FEB...Later on went to Tampines with my mother, ate at century square. Later, went to Expo's Robinson Sale, walked until the feet went wobby arh~~~ Bought many clothes for father, ah gong and my mum, water bottles and a watch for me!!! as my b'dae presents frm father.FridayWent to school for POP. Before tht, went to action city to meet up with wilson, mun tat and yiyong, to buy presents for senior. $30+++ leh~ Fall in in mufti attire with NPCC t-shirt with only for a while, was told to change it into full-uni. After i changed finish, i put my uniform bag onto the ground, my uni bag was being sucked into the toilet service duct!!!! Initially, my plastic bags were being sucked into it many times. OMG~~~ $10 uni bag. Waited for so long before POP started, have no choice le, nid to leave early for my dental appointment. Went alone to Dover and took the shuttle bus to NUH. Haven even finished my waffle, was called to enter the room. I extracted FOUR teeth. The dentist was like injected the anestatic to numb my teeth. Dunno 4-6 injections leh! my chin was like swollen... After tht, waited at the pharmacy for my father. My father was like didn't read his msg, still called me asking me where am i. I was like bleeding profusely, biting the cotton wool, whatever i said he couldn't understand, keep on "HUH???" I sms him again, finally found me at the pharmacy....He was laughing upon seeing me leh! Took the painkillers in case my teeth hurt. Along the way back, huiying called me, saying that i left my presents in school again! The one which weijun helped me retrieved in 7-eleven, forgotten about my presents again~~~ Headed back to school to take my presents, shun bian ferry Shermain and Huiying home. Huiying was like keep on staring at me, with the cotton wools in my mouth, shermain was like talking about the sweets tht the seniors gave us.... HAHAS...For my dinner, cnt eat rice, ate maggie mee.SaturdayWent to my father's office, went chinatown, bought a new bermudas, also went to jurong west lib. Reached home around 7+++ le lor....SUCH A FUN WEEK~~~ :D
10:18 PM
/ Sunday, November 8, 2009
Two posts in a day, coz too lazy to post another time le. Today went to HSK examination at Serangoon in Crestar building. Went to Jurong East int to met up with Baoyi, Siling and Vincent. When i reach there I saw none of their sight, then i went downstairs, also didn't see them, went back to the platform, finally managed to see them. Later on, I was told by Baoyi, tht she went downstairs, maybe tht time I was still at the platform, when I went downstairs, she was at the platform, aiyo...took a long time taking MRT, keep on changing lane. Tht shuying didn't lombang me~~~ Her father ferry her there, so jiang yi qi de. She reached there at 8.40, while we were still on the MRT tht time. There was a foreign, taking the exam, SHOCKED. There was even two primary 1 students taking, WA....Later on took MRT to Dhoby Guaut, went to Plaza Singapura eat, ate at the ICE-MONSTER(Taiwan cuisine). It WAS SO EXPENSIVE.... $7 for a ZHA JIANG MIAN. Really cost a bomb, heartbroken leh. The siling, boayi and shuying, initially want to buy a set meal, which is $10 plus. Having heard need to pay $2 more, they immediately changed their mind, HAHAS. The ZHA JIANG MIAN didn't taste nice at all, waste my money leh, $7. The mee was like so soft, no tan xing~~~ The nicest is shuying's order, the beef noodles, soup taste is far way nicer than mine. Vincent one, looks vry healthy, coz gt a lot of veggie. Shuying, baoyi and siling shared the mango 'ice kacang' tht shuying keep on luring me to eat, make me like mouth-watering, but i still didn't eat, hahas---shuying failed. When into a facial shop later on, tht siling and shuying keep on testing on the nail polish, even tested on me!!! shuying apply until vry nice, but the one i applied on siling was even more artistic... ^_- Baoyi bought two bottles of nail poolish. Vincent like sort of quite sian, coz it was in female facial shop...Went home quickly after tht, called my mum, she said I will get it after i returned home, made me have a sense tht something bad will happen... BU XIANG DE YU GAN. On the way home, is like vry funny, the siling and shuying, they called me xiao qiang eh! which is cockroach...the siling face vry funny, on the way to our examination venue also, keep on staring me... A moment feigning not to look at me, watching the tv, another moment, staring at me laughing... SO 好笑!!! her facial expression... hahas..
5:38 AM
THIS IS VRY NAN DE FOR ME TO POST THINGS.... many things happened between this period of time, weeks, month??? Went to ATC CAMP on OCT 27&28 at Pulau Ubin, still went to HORT PARK( implicated by SHUYING) for the abassador of recycling and green environment thing....
Totally different from my expectation of it being an adventure, enjoyable camp... SIGH..So boring, initially is on June holiday, but because of the H1N1 caused our camp to postpone to DEC, later change to OCT, for only two days! Our first activity is RAFTING, because of the rain, all our efforts put in tying the knots for the boat went in vain, cancelled. There was rock-climbing, get to climb to the top, so difficult, still gt the 'hump' thing, almost hang upside down. Played ice-breaking game which just playing 'Wacko' and memorising all the team mates' name. Coincidently, went into the same grp as my neighbour, also frm Xingnan... Ate food rations, love the pocari sweat, a packet of powdery thing put into water and become Isotonic drink, NICE! And the milo 3-in-1 ate it without dissolving it in water.... cook instant noodle. Overall, only love instant noodles, pocari sweat and milo==== Games only maze is the most fun!!! coz we went into a room, in pitch dark, nid find the way out. It's totally cnt even see the hand! They even hang those 'snakes' on the ceiling, when we walked by, my other girls team mate, shouted like hell, vry funny~~~I kept on knocking into things, lucky gt wear helmet. So difficult to find a way out, there's one part where we nid climb over a plastic bamboo ladder, the fittest girl in our group, carried me up!!! I was like so light??? Coz she is the one leading us, there was one part where nid to climb into a smaller space, she said, " The Chinese....." which is me to climb, coz i slimmer, vry funny, cnt stop laughing after coming out, tht is really the moment when we really enjoyed ourselves. Still gt night activities, which is like cnt finished the games, due to time constraint>>>> same reason. Second day programme all cancelled, except for the morning exercise and cleaning up. They even asked us to take back the remaining food rations. Just as we are goin to leave, Hidayah said her wallet was lost, she did put it into the plastic bag together with ours, could not find. Took the boat back to Singapore, ate at the hwker centre nearby, Jasmin, or shermain lent hidayah money to eat. So pity, we didn't even have time to know much more better about our grp mates, so short, many games and programmes are shortened, did not even have camp fire~~~ But hope STC camp nxt year, also at Pulau Ubin will be fun, our sec 3s was like having so much fun de....:D
5:03 AM
/ Friday, October 16, 2009
Finally exams were over~~~~ can relax le.... BUT just like huiting said, cnt felt as if the burden had been lessened. Instead, felt uneasy... actually wanted to post on many things earlier on but too lazy to, HAHAS. Yesterday, is totally a slack day, with the dunno ' MS AISH'???( not sure how to spell her name) coming to our school telling us about some vry boring topic>>> CONFLICT. Before beginning, played blow-win-blow??? Then, me, yuenping, yunting and diyanah, nid do forfeit. The dunno who suggested doing moonwalk, Renyi came out to demonstrate... HAHAAAAS the way he do vry funny leh!!! we didn't follow him, so difficult, just walk backwards a few steps~~~~ Do the role play on collaboration. Vernice be my sister, gt one dialogue vry funny... " Go play ur BARBIE DOLL lah!" hahas...then the Jiayi and Xuanyi, amanda and wanling played as the characters in TV. Amanda and wanling>>>> TOM & JERRY. After tht go for recess and came back to continue on the role play. Later on, played the '...... HUNT' nid find the objects tht the facillitator had written, ran up and down finding flower, leaves, broomstick.... Luckily, the rubber band we found it on the floor, just like wat yichuan had said, SO ZUN~~, lent water bottles to Yichen. Released early, at around 12.30+++ then the huang yunting suddenly stomped out leh! Went to find yichen together to take back our water bottles. She walked off angrily.... then the shuying and baoyi called me, dunno which way to go, i'm still holding on to ethel's bottle, confused. But, still head back coz shuying told me to go with her, baoyi and siling to safra to check on the KBOX things. Later on, dashed downstairs to catch up with yunting. I asked her why she was angry with me, she said coz i was blocking her way out while Huiting told me tht she will be goin to Xingnan to tell them abt Commonwealth and also asking her to wait for me and ethel, when she didn't wan to... said rushing back home to play com. But, is that so???? Then, when i was asking for the reasons initially, she said wasn't angry at all....still can even joke with me. She board the bus when bus 30 came. I wanted to follow her, but ethel, shuying, siling were still at canteen waiting me.... aiyo. I stayed at bus stop until reine, vernice, shuying, siling, ethel came...Reine they all went to sci centre for lunch, while ethel and I went straight home. Along the way, ethel was so quiet, claimed she had an headache, while i chatted with jieying... A boring, tiring, yet with a bit of happiness day it was ~~~ Why was this keep on happening on me, why must it be me???? There was time when I was given many routes to choose, many different voices asking me to take their path, which way should i go, 进退两难.....
12:06 AM
/ Wednesday, September 2, 2009
SIGH_____ Currently unable to fall asleep, i totally flung my ENGLISH, nid work harder le. Today, finally u spoken up, said out wat u have always wanted to say... Everytime you choose to avoid, wearing smile. But, it was weird when you do so, smile and laugh with me together at a moment and suddenly be angry with me after a few mins ??? I dunno... i can roughly figure out why u are angry with me, i'm now confused. The weirdiest was ppl was saying different things to different ppl!!! WHY WAS THIS SO??? I can't understand.... u said i've nv been through these things before, unable to understand ur feelings. Why do u think in such a way? Do u believe that those ppl u hang out most often muz be ur close friend? WHY??? Dun bring up watever things that had happened in the past, u shld not let them interfere with ur present life>>> I am nobody, just mysself, pls dun think tht i'm the same as others, PLS Huiying u said tht i'm always troubled with these things, i can't stop pondering why... IS THIS a curse WHICH WILL FOLLOWS U FOREVERR? I didn't treat u as a platform to fufil my desires. I really dun understand why being a girl was so complicated and as a sec two student. WHY WILL THINGS CHANGE. I really dunno... why things willl turn our like tht. WHY ARE THERE SO MANY 'GROUPS' IN OUR CLASS? sigh___I really dunno, ppl tht i had once trusted...i understand myself___ WILL THINGS CHANGE IF WERE A BOY..??? free frm those troubles.. worries~~~
8:27 AM